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The Virtual BBS/NET
Version 5.6x
Copyright (C) Roland De Graaf 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
4246 Elisabeth Ave.
Holland, MI 49424
Multi-Network Documentation
Edited By: UT Prof aka Richard Shell 1@2103 VirtualNet
1.1 - Overview
1.2 - The Multinetwork Master List
1.3 - The Multinet Mail Tosser
1.4 - Network-specific Interfaces
2.1 - VConfig
2.2 - Answer.net Configuration
3.1 - Considerations for Wide-Area Networks
3.2 - Local Networks
4.1 - Net.0 File
4.2 - Net.x Files
4.3 - <database filename>.NET Files
4.4 - The MultiNet Tosser Functions & Email Gating
1.1 - Overview
VBBS is the first BBS program to incorporate a true
multinet engine within the BBS itself, capable of seamlessly
integrating up to 999 networks and providing automatic gating
of e-mail between different networks. The multinet engine
works through the interraction of four components: the
multinetwork master list which identifies the networks,
the multinet mail tosser which processes e-mail and posts,
specific network utilities used for interfacing with each
basic type of network, and the front end mailer which
identifies incoming network calls.
1.2 - The Multinetwork Master List
The master list of allowable networks is a file named NET.0,
and is located in the VBBS 'Data' subdirectory.
This master list is the only way for VBBS to identify the
origin and destination of posts and e-mail, so it is a
requirement that major networks be listed in the NET.0 file.
For small local networks, open slots configureable by the
sysop have been made available in the NET.0 file for use with
the VBBS, WWIV, and FIDO interface utilities. Please refer to
the Local Network section below for specific details.
New major networks are added to the official NET.0 file on a
regular basis. Please see the NET.0 Inclusion section below.
For reasons of security, the NET.0 file comes in encrypted
form and may not be edited. Attempts to do so are considered
hacking and appropriate legal action may be taken against
those involved. It should be stressed that contamination of
the master listing could result in network-wide failure and
disruption of the normal flow of information through various
To view the network entries in the NET.0 file, simply choose
option 7, Network Configuration, on the VConfig menu.
1.3 - The Multinet Mail Tosser
The multinet mail tosser is built directly into VBBS.
No external mail tossers from third parties are needed,
although VBBS can be configured to use them if desired.
The tosser handles this process of distributing email
and posts to the appropriate "pending" files for each
network you are connected to. The tosser also handles
the importation of incoming email and posts to the BBS,
and the gating of posts between networks.
Mail tosser operation is completely automatic and requires
no special attention. Tossing may also, however, be invoked
by command line switches or batch files called by external
events to add flexibility. Please refer to the individual
documentation for each network-specific interface for
details on syntax and how this is accomplished. Such
documentation is included in the zip file for each interface
1.4 - Network-specific Interfaces
As of this moment, four basic network interface types
may be used in conjunction with the VBBS multinet engine.
These are as follows:
VNET.EXE for VirtualNET-type networks (type 1)
VWW4.EXE for WWIVnet-type networks (type 2)
VUUCP.EXE for UUCP-type networks (type 3)
VFIDO.EXE for FIDO-type networks (type 4)
These utilities may be downloaded from any VBBS support
board and are accompanied by specific installation
Please note that these utilities are not crippled in
any manner, however, you should register VBBS within sixty
(60) days to avoid an interruption of service. Failure to
register will inactivate all interface utilities automatically,
with the exception of VNET.EXE, after the 60-day period.
To avoid any inconveniences, please register VBBS as soon as
2.1 - VConfig
The multinet configuration is done by running option 7, Network
Configuration, in VConfig. From the net configuration menu, you
simply choose which network you want to add, and enter the
appropriate information. It is very important to remember after
running option 7 to select option 3, Database Configuration,
and run the Sort Databases and Compile Network functions found
For specific installation details, please refer to the main
VBBS560.DOC, and the DOC files that accompany each network
interface utility, ie. VWW4, VUUCP, and VFIDO.
2.2 - Answer.net Configuration
ANSWER.NET, an ordinary ascii text file, should be created
and placed in your VBBS 'Data' subdirectory if you are to
interface with other networks successfully. You must have
answer.net set up properly for VBBS to be able to correctly
identify incoming network calls. In many cases, the incoming
network call will use a macro to identify itself. The
answer.net file is used by the multinet engine to
acknowledge the network macro, identify the network, and call
up the proper network interface utility after connecting.
Note that VirtualNET type networks do NOT need to be configured
in ANSWER.NET since type 1 networks are automatic. However,
to detect types 2 through 4, you must "program" ANSWER.NET to
be able to identify the incoming network from the string it
ANSWER.NET uses only three simple one-character commands: ">",
"!", and "?".
">" Sends a string. For example, >HELLO would transmit
"!" Waits up to 2 seconds for a byte to come in
"?" Compares received byte to ascii code values
and calls up the appropriate network interface driver
Here are some examples:
If received byte was 78 ("N"), then answer network #2 (WWIVnet)
N N N N is the string that WWIVNet sends.
If recevied byte was 76 ("L"), then answer network #3 (WWIVLInk).
L L L L must be the string that WWIVLink sends and must be set
up by your Link server using a macro.
Here is an example ANSWER.NET, for a VBBS that is on WWIVnet
only which you may use:
Here is an example you may use if you are on both WWIVnet and
Here is an example for a VBBS on USEnet:
Here is an example for a VBBS on USEnet, WWIVnet, and WWIVLink
which may be used:
3.1 - Considerations for Wide-Area Networks
Because of VBBS' uniquely-designed multinet engine, starting
your own new network is easier than ever before whether you
are a business or an advanced system operator. Here are just
a few things to consider if you are contemplating this:
A) You will need to decide on what type of network software
you want to use for your new network:
VirtualNET type
WWIVnet type
FIDO type
UUCP type
While the multinet engine will easily handle any type above,
remember that the simplest network to run operationally is a
VirtualNET type network. This requires no special setup of
the answer.net file or macro setup on the part of the server,
has support for update utilities, and other advantages.
B) You will need to select a name for your network.
C) You will be responsible for maintaining your network, such
as producing its bbslist or nodelist, establishing
connections, nominating ACs, etc.
D) You should have the following thought out in advance:
Network Policy and Goals
Network Application
E) Update utilities
Update utilities let you, as network coordinator send out
BBSLISTs and SUBSLISTs for the maintenance of your network.
Custom update utilities for VirtualNET type networks are
available from the VBBS author. For more information on how
to start a VirtualNET type network, please refer to the
F) Inclusion in NET.0
Inclusion in the NET.0 file implies that your network will
be national/international in nature with 1) a substantial
number of subscribing nodes 2) in diverse geographical areas
3) with a reasonable volume of message traffic.
Networks which feel they will meet these criteria should
send requests for inclusion on the NET.0 master list directly
to 1@1 VirtualNET.
The requesting sysop will receive a questionnaire to complete
and return. The information provided will be reviewed and
approved by the Virtual MultiNetwork Committee (VMC) in
light of the guidelines above.
There is no charge for inclusion in the NET.0 file. The only
constraints are: 1) the request for inclusion be made by
a registered VBBS system operator, and 2) only one inclusion
per system operator is allowed.
3.2 - Local Networks
In many cases the network you wish to start or join will
be restricted to your own locale, or be too small for
inclusion on the national NET.0 master list. In this case
the sysop wishing to start/join a network may use one of the
sysop configureable open slots available on the NET.0 list.
A total of 2 configureable slots are available on the
NET.0 master list. They are slots 15 and 19, and you can
configure the network names and network type.
To set-up the name and type for slot 15:
Create a text file called LOCALNET.15 in your main VBBS dir.
The first line of the file should contain the network name.
The second line the network type (1 to 4).
Setting up slot 19 works the same way except you would
create a LOCALNET.19 instead.
Please refer to the LOCALNET.DOC for detailed instructions
on setting up your network.
4.1 - NET.0 File
The NET.0 file is a master list of networks. Each
network is defined by Proper Name ("VirtualNET",
"WWIVNet", "USENet",etc.) and by Network Protocol
(VNET, VWW4. VUUCP, VFIDO,etc.), and by Network ID.
Each network has a unique ID number. IDs begin at
1 and go up sequentially. Slot 0 is earmarked for
special use by the author. This file is encrypted
and may only be edited by the VBBS author.
4.2 - NET.x Files
These are the configuration files for each network and
are located in the Data subdirectory. The .x refers to
the network ID number as defined in the NET.0 file.
These are simple ascii files in this format:
<parametername>=<parameter data>
A NET.2 file for WWIVNet, for example, might look like
where systemid is the WWIV node number, netdir is where
the network files are located, and mode is either
"net" or "link" which instructs VWW4 of the mode to run in.
A NET.1 file for VirtualNET, might look like this:
client=2112 $1-512-340-2265
client=2115 +381-0031 /25
where $,+, /,!, and ^ are optional modifiers indicating
long distance phone numbers, local phone numbers, threshold,
macro, and password.
Note that VConfig is used to edit these NET.x files, but
they could be edited manually.
4.3 - <database filename>.NET Files
These are located in the DB subdirectory and show the
networks a database (message base,sub) is connected to.
These are ascii files that store the sub identifications.
In addition to the .NET file, .QSC, .BIN, and .DAT files
are generated when a database is configured. For example,
the x.NET file for VBBS Forum, a sub gated to WWIVNet, might
look like this:
This is translated as:
network ID 1 (VirtualNET) sub number 302
network ID 2 (WWIVNet) subtype 5275
If this sub were being gated to other networks, additional
lines would be added with the appropriate information.
Note here also that the sub identification can be a number
or a string. This depends only on the net interface's
interpretation of the data.
4.4 - The MultiNet Tosser Functions & Email Gating
The multinet tosser ensures that all gated messages go to the
proper place. An example of the mechanics are as follows:
When a user posts, two copies are written. One goes to the
database itself, and the other goes to SPOOL.NET which is
a temporary file fond in the Data subdirectory. After
the user logs off, the tosser analyzes SPOOL.NET and
distributes the posts to PENDING.x files, where .x is the
network ID. VBBS then checks for PENDING.x files that
might exist and calls up the proper network interface
handler for each PENDING.x file. The net interface program
reads its own PENDING.x file and packs up the messages.
When a net interface program receives a message, it also
needs to write two copies, one to LOCAL.NET which VBBS
unpacks to the databases, and one to either VALIDATE.x
if validation is turned on for the sub, or to
that messages in DISTRIB.NET are redistributed to all
networks except the one it came in on. (SPOOL.NET is
distributed to all networks).
The multinet mail tosser also handles gating of email.
That is, you can send & receive email to a user on a network
of which you are not actually a member.
For example, let's say you wanted to send an email
to someone on FIDOnet, but you're not actually on FIDOnet,
but you are a member of VirtualNET.
Your first step is to find a VirtualNET system
that is also on FIDOnet. (Multinetworked)
Once that is accomplished, email the sysop of that board
and ask if you may use his system to gate email
into the other network. (It's always good to ask first.)
If permission is granted, manually create a text file
in your DATA directory, the filename should be GATEWAY.x
where x is equal to the network id of the network you
want to have a gateway to. In this example, since are target
network is FIDOnet (Network ID = 4), we would create a
GATEWAY.4 file in the DATA Directory. We will put one
line of ASCII text into this file:
@<system address>*<network number>
<system address> is the node address of our gateway system.
<network number> is the TRANSPORT NETWORK which will be used
to gate the mail.
For example, if I wanted my FIDOnet gateway to be
@440 VirtualNET, I would make GATEWAY.4, with the line:
Another example: I want to email USEnet thru TechNET
(Network ID = 8) system @1000. I would create a GATEWAY.5
file (Network ID = 5 for USEnet), containing the line:
It should be noted that the TRANSPORT NETWORK must
be of VirtualNET type. An email may, however, pass
thru several gateways (no limit), if needed, to get
it where you want it to go. This opens up some very
powerful possibilities.